New Article by CoASQ Member Published
November 10, 2019
"Saxophone and Bach: An Unlikely Combo?" by City of Angels Saxophone Quartet member Cynthia Swanson takes a look at the role of the saxophone throughout its history and, through the journey of the Quartet's preparation of a Bach Fugue, explores how adaptable it is as a medium of expression for early music despite its birth as a modern instrument.
We are grateful to John L. Robinson of the Southern California Early Music Society and Newsletter (SCEMN) for the invitation to contribute this article. Please check out the newsletter here: https://www.earlymusicla.org/newsletter
CoASQ mentioned in Times Advocate
The Hidden Valley Community Concert Association in Escondido, CA, is celebrating its 74th year, and CoASQ is in the lineup for this season. Read more about it here: https://www.times-advocate.com/articles/hidden-valley-community-concert-assn-to-launch-74th-season-in-september/
CoASQ in Performances Magazine
COASQ members were recently interviewed and pictured in the November issue of Performances Magazine discussing our association with the LA County Arts Commission. See the article "Arts for All" in the link belowhttps://issuu.com/socalmedia/docs/wallis_prog_1118_web
Los Angeles County Arts Commission
CoASQ is very pleased to announce that we have been accepted for renewal on the Musician's Roster for the Los Angeles County Arts Commission! The Musicians Roster is a vetted list of Los Angeles County musicians who are available to perform as part of thier Free Concerts in Public Sites program.
CoASQ featured in the Daily Independent
CoASQ recently went on a mini-tour of the Eastern Sierras, including Ridgecrest, Bishop and Mammoth Lakes, CA. The performance in Ridgecrest, which took place at the Maturango Museum, was reviewed in the Daily independent. "Saxophone quartet rocks crowd, performs encore at Maturango" https://www.ridgecrestca.com/news/20190119/city-of-angels-comes-to-ridgecrest
Pure Imagination
The quartet's latest recording, entitled "Pure Imagination" is now released! The album features works that have been a favorite part of our repertoire this past concert season​, including several arrangements by some of our own group members.
This album is now available online and in CD form at concerts.